How it all began as told by the Founder

The Liberation Mandate is what we refer to as the Commission because that was where everything began. It was delivered on a most dramatic and awesome platform. Below is the story of how the Mandate was delivered.

I was on a trip to Ilesha, now in Osun State of Nigeria, on May 1,1981, on the lookout for the welfare of a Christian friend who I had not heard from for a long time. I was concerned, not knowing if he needed any form of attention. This was how I came into my place of encounter

I got to this brother’s house, and he was not around, but there was a note on his door announcing he had travelled. Something gracious came out of me: ‘All things work together to the advantage of them that love the Lord’. It was soothing; I felt no disappointment at all!

Then, the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘Look out for a quiet place; I want to talk to you’. This was a timely instruction because I had quite a lot of Christian friends in that town, and I could have had a lot of fun being with them that day. However, I obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and asked a passer-by if there was any hotel on the outskirts of the town where I could lodge, and that was how I met with destiny!

The quiet place I found was an International Hotel in Ilesha. It was a ‘great’ hotel, and I disliked the state of the building and the room in particular. But I knew in my heart that I had to be there. Behold, as I knelt down to give thanks in that ‘wonderful’ room, the encounter began, and this lasted for eighteen (18) hours. In that great vision, I saw a line-up of the afflicted and oppressed, broken, beaten, battered, the blind, the lame and the wretched. I saw all kinds of deformities, and I was greatly bewildered. I heard their wailing as they filed past me. Their groaning was so intense that I could almost feel their pain.

I could not help it, and while I began to cry and sob along with them, I asked, ‘Lord, what is this?’ I heard God say to me, ‘And from the beginning, it was not so’. I broke down the more in tears, and in the midst of all that, I kept asking, ‘But why Lord?’ I heard God say distinctly to me, ‘And from the beginning, it was not so, and now, the hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the Word of faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task’.

My sobbing became even more intense as I asked the Lord, ‘Lord, why me?’ I had always thought I would remain in the helps’ ministry, where I would be a blessing to the Kingdom through my giving and services. However, I rose from the eighteen-hour-long vision fully persuaded of God’s call upon my life into the ministry. This was how I received the Liberation Mandate.

I spent the next few days trying to analyse the content of the vision, and to understand its import to know how to carry it out. So, I came to discover that the Liberation Mandate defined four vital issues:

I came to discover that the Liberation Mandate defined four vital issues:
The task: To liberate mankind from all oppressions of the devil.
The target: The world.
The tool: The preaching of the Word of Faith.
The time: Now – … and now, the hour has come.
Therefore, this church is clearly a Word of Faith ministry.

In the words of Apostle Paul, …immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood(Galatians 1:15-16). On 8th May 1981, I convened a meeting of some Christian friends to share this heavenly vision with them so as to ask them to join in prayers for the execution of this heavenly mandate. This meeting was held in one of the lecture rooms of the United Missionary Theological Chapel in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. We were about 18 in number, and this group metamorphosed into what came to be known as the Power House, made up of about 70 young men and women who formed a prayer and fasting chain. They served as a forum for vision sharing, monitoring and other spiritual engagements geared towards driving the vision.

We have a number of the Power House faithfuls who are still very much active in the church till date. Prominent among these is Faith A. Oyedepo, the first to ever hear the vision shared and who has been standing with me since then (we were in courtship then and preparing to get married). Another member of the Power House is David Abioye, a most consistent, faithful and profitable son in the gospel for over 30 years. Others who are ministers and leaders in the church today include Olatunji Adeyemi, Nathan and Charity Ichor, Olufemi Modupe and Isaac Oladapo.

Also, I had the understanding that it was the vision for the now and not for the future. So, I took immediate steps to see how to establish a weekly faith-based fellowship, and by the good hand of the Lord, we secured the ECWA Youth Centre facility in Ilorin for a weekly Friday fellowship. The inaugural fellowship known as Faith Liberation Hour was held on 24th May 1981. We also held a monthly weekend seminar every Friday and Saturday. Within a year, the Faith Liberation Hour had become a household name, particularly among youths and young adults in Ilorin, where we began. The Power House was in place from May 1981 until September 1983, when the church was officially commissioned.

My USA Training Plan Stopped

After the Lord called me into ministry, I felt a genuine sense of inadequacy because I had no formal training in ministry. I thought the best way out was to get myself trained wherever the fire was burning, and America was the centre of revival at that time. I reasoned that since Paul the Apostle spent three years in Arabia (where I believe he contacted the heavyweight revelations he operated in), I would also need to be trained outside my native country to fulfil my calling in ministry.
Immediately, the United States of America came to my mind as a place to train for impactful ministry because all the giants of faith like Kenneth E. Hagin, Oral Roberts, T. L. Osborn and others were in America.
However, one night, I was on the mountain to pray and worship the Lord for the open doors and the way He was causing everything to work together towards the realisation of this vision. Suddenly, God said to me, ‘My son, the things that you seek do not come from abroad but from above. You are not going to America’. As soon as I heard that, I stopped all arrangements. Today, there are no regrets whatsoever. God has proved Himself just and the justifier of them who believe in Him. He undertook my training by Himself, and that He did most successfully and with great impact. I have been in the school of the Holy Ghost since then to this present moment.

Instructed to be Commissioned into Ministry

In July 1983, I was in a deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit one beautiful evening, walking around our dining room, when God suddenly spoke, saying, ‘I will not have you go like others have gone. I will have hands laid on you so you can be filled with the Spirit of Wisdom’. Then I asked, ‘Lord, who will lay hands on me?’ And He said, ‘Send for My servant, Adeboye, and I will have him lay hands on you, and you shall be filled with the Spirit of wisdom’.
I had heard of Pastor E.A. Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God then, but we had never met, neither had I ever been to any of his meetings. But because whenever I hear from God, I don’t drag my feet. So, I went ahead and did as God said. I sent a message to him, telling him what God told me. He sent a reply, stating he was slated for another meeting on the same date I had given him. Therefore, I returned to God to report the development, and God told me he would come. Before my letter got to him, God had told him he would have to come for the commissioning as scheduled. That settled it! His message at the commissioning service was highly prophetic.

He took his message from Luke 19:28-40, speaking about the ass Jesus rode to Jerusalem. He made the following prophetic and profound statement: ‘This ministry will succeed, whether you support it or not… The glory will be so heavy, but don’t allow the glory blind your eyes to the Rider of the ass because when Jesus alighted from the ass, nobody knew where the ass went…’. Today, we are basking in the glory of the Lord with the understanding that it is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.