That was a vision in the early days of this ministry, where a great house landed from heaven and broke out into splinter houses, and the same fire on the altar of the great house was burning on the altar of the splinter houses.

This has been validated again and again across our churches worldwide as we have continued to receive the same order of testimonies across our various assemblies. Testimonies of change of lives, healing, deliverance and breakthrough.

This is because the Word at the centre is committed to those faithful men who go on to teach others, thereby commanding the same impact.

Furthermore, over the years, we have experienced that Shiloh, the annual congregation of all Winners worldwide has continued to engender the same impact on all across the nations of the world through our live transmission.

Indeed, the same fire on the altar of the greater house has continued to burn on the altars of the splinter houses. To God be all the glory.

As members move from one place to another, wherever we have our churches, we can be sure to have the same order of experience.